Monday, March 12, 2012

Day 1 - From Now On...

Left is right, right is wrong, and I have no clue where I am.

That pretty much sums up the first half of my day. I didn't get out of the apartment until 9 am. I went straight to the Metro station down the street. My first place to see today was going to be Notre Dame, or so I thought. I decided that I liked the train station so much, I spent two hours there. That train station is so big! Like big big. Oh, and did I mention that the French military is like everywhere just walking around with fricken' AK machine gun looking things. Creepy! Anyways, once I found an ATM, got money, bought train tickets, and found my terminal, I was on my way. Notre Dame was right outside where the train stopped.

Okay so that was Notre Dame. Man this blog is really not picture friendly. It just took me forever to get those pictures like that. After Notre Dame, I walked around for about an hour (not on purpose). I got turned around again...big surprise. It was at this point I realized that I needed to invest in a compass. I almost even convinced myself that the sun rose in the west and set in the east. So sad! Next stop, Sainte Chapelle. It was rather small, and did not meet up to the $15 dollars they charge you to get in. However it was still beautiful.

I really thought I was going to die walking down these steps.

Next up, Jardin de Luxemborg (aka Luxembourg Garderns). This place was big, but it was not much garden. It has a lot of trees and plants, but they were all dead because it is still winter-ish over here. So it was basically a non-green garden, but it had great potential. Check it out...




Third stop on the tour de Paris today, the Pantheon. Home of the Foucault pendulum and tomb/grave of Marie Curie. For all of my non-science people, google both of those now.





Once leaving the Pantheon, I saw the most amazing thing. It was a view like no other. I had been looking for it since I arrived. The only thing that I could do was to take a deep breath and say "wow". Hello Eiffel Tower, you look so close to me yet I had to take 3 different trains to finally get to you from the Pantheon. Totally worth it!




Hey look, it's me!

After all this my feet really really really hurt! I have good shoes too! Well it is about 11 pm here now. I will be in Barcelona, Spain tomorrow. My flight leaves at 7 am. I do not know why I made the flight that early. If  I get to the airport on time it will be a miracle. I might, big might, end up taking a cab to the airport. I really don't want to miss my flight. I am not really tired at all (other than my body). I am scared that if I go to sleep I will sleep right through 7 am. I might just stay up all night...

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I'm glad you finally got to see the Eiffel Tower. I think that you got charged $15 because the church has bills to pay lol! I hope Spain is just as exciting!
